
Organization Profile

  • To achieve 80% success in terms of training proposals submitted to prospective clients.
  • To achieve a passing rate of 90% for Academic Programmes.
  • To achieve a passing rate of 87% for TVET Programmes.
  • To address and take corrective action on at least 90% of reported facility breakdown(s).
  • To enhance staff effectiveness and competencies by providing appropriate training: at least 2 man-days a year for non-teaching staff and at least 4 man-days a year for teaching staff.
  • To achieve 85% graduate employability 6 months after graduation.
  • To ensure that 85% of PTPTN applicants secure PTPTN loan(s).
  • To ensure full utilization (100%) of government training grant(s).
  • To achieve 85% for “Graduate on Time” (students from Academic Programmes).